Learning to Let Go of Control

Us women are pretty incredible beings. We are creators. We literally create other humans. I’m just in awe of who we are, what we are capable of and the strong species we are. And don’t get me wrong, I am surrounded by incredible men and I’m raising two incredible teenage boys. I see them too. But, as a woman serving other strong women, I’m at the front lines of watching how powerful a woman can be when her life is unleashed.

Women in leadership roles are fascinating. From my own personal experience and the majority of women I’ve interviewed, there’s a reason for our strength. We are not just born lucky, smart, determined and hardworking. We become conditioned by our environments. Many strong women weren’t handed roles, they earned them by spending years and years developing the skills, mental muscles and ability to lead. Another reality is, these women put in time, sweat, tears and many days of wanting to give up, fighting harsh critics, feeling small by someone on an ego trip, and reminders often of why they aren’t good enough to some degree.

These women are fierce for a reason and I just want to stop and honor who you are - because it’s not easy at times, but when you are compelled to keep going even in the face of adversity, you just know there is a deeper meaning to all of what you are doing. It’s your impact and purpose in life and you know it’s worth fighting for.

But, the interesting phenomenon that I see happen so often is the need to control every narrative in our lives.

Women often are planning everything. From dinners, to family activities, to running the business finances, marketing plans, doctor visit schedules, families’ diets, the list goes on and on. We have become so conditioned to handle everything that we’ve built up strong mental muscles to handle it all. And honestly, once you get really good at controlling all the variables, it becomes easy.

But, we all know this truth - we really aren’t in control.

There comes a point (there always comes a point) when life throws a curveball and we need to pivot.

Part of entrepreneurship is learning how to surrender. As an employee, we were conditioned almost exactly opposite of who you are supposed to be as a business owner.

Employees count on their steady income, entrepreneurs take a gamble.

Employees are pressured to have projects completed on time, entrepreneurs have the luxury of deciding their own timelines.

Employees who are hardworking and strive to climb the corporate ladder have many financial incentives to push ourselves, but being an entrepreneur might not come along with instant results and hundreds of clients.

Employees are generally surrounded by others going along in their journey who can relate and lift one another up. Entrepreneurship teaches you that you can’t act alone.

Entrepreneurship taught me more than I could ever imagine and one of the biggest lessons was to surrender my control. 

It was the first time in my life that I couldn’t create and check off every box on my to do list and everything was going to work out. It was the first time that I worked 16 hour days and saw no immediate results. I had to look to others, find the right guides but mostly I had to trust myself.

The answer for me was to focus on who I served, my purpose and my mission. It’s what grounds me everyday and helps me to keep going.

I know the winds will blow, but my mission and purpose are the roots of my business that keep my foundation strong. I know my way because I can now let go of my control and just trust that it will all work out exactly the way life has meant for it.

My invitation to you is to let go a little bit more. Know that you’re never alone. I hope this gives you just a little bit more peace and passion for your business and in your life.

Meet Coach Elisha

I am a certified Business and Life Coach supporting women-owned business owners and leaders. My mission is to support women on their road towards mastery. Why? Because strong women need support too, and I believe your influence and impact on this world is exactly what we need more of . I specialize in developing The Business Trifecta: The Leader, The Culture and The Customer you serve. Our coaching practice focuses on developing and improving this ecosystem from the inside out. Experience the Unleashed Life with Unleashed Life Coaching.


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